South Dakota Mortgage Refinance
The wide open spaces and rural countryside is why South Dakota (population 4,321,249) is becoming a popular place to live. Whether it’s a country estate in Valley Springs (57068) or a comfortable home in Sioux Falls (57103), home owners turn to Mortgage Refinance to reduce their monthly payment. Home owners in South Dakota can take advantage of tax benefits when they refinance their mortgage. Not only can borrowers deduct interest and points, they can also deduct property taxes on their annual return. Shopping for rates? Currently a 30 year fixed mortgage rate is 4.96% APR to 5.33% APR. South Dakota home owners can select a 15 year fixed product for rates ranging from 4.52% APR to 4.79% APR. Home values in South Dakota range from $76,890 to $257,992. Home values in Garretson (57030) run from $158,061 to $185,550 whereas home values in Hartford (57033) run from $209,188 to $245,569. The average property price for a home in South Dakota is $185,888. Recent home sales in Valley Springs (57068) were $550,000 and $131,600. In Dell Rapids (57022) homes sold for $169,000 and $174,000.