
Monterey California Mortgage Refinance Brokers and Lenders

Mortgage Rates
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
30 year fixed Graph Icon Arrow 4.09% 4.16%
15 year fixed Graph Icon Arrow 3.25% 3.30%
5/1 ARM Graph Icon Arrow 3.28% 3.36%

 Rate disclaimer

PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
30 year fixed refi Graph Icon Arrow 4.09% 4.17%
15 year fixed refi Graph Icon Arrow 3.25% 3.34%
10 year fixed refi Graph Icon Arrow 3.15% 3.18%
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
60 month used car loan Graph Icon Arrow 3.20% 3.20%
48 month used car loan Graph Icon Arrow 3.18% 3.19%
60 month new car loan Graph Icon Arrow 3.44% 3.44%
PRODUCT +/- Yield Last week
6 Month CD Graph Icon Arrow 0.75% 0.71%
1 Year CD Graph Icon Arrow 1.24% 1.24%
2 Year CD Graph Icon Arrow 1.41% 1.41%
MMA and SAVINGS 0.58%
$10k MMA 0.57%
Interest Checking 0.43%
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Mortgage Brokers & Lenders Directory

You can search our directory or Mortage Brokers & Lenders and get a current quote on 30 year fixed mortgage rates as well as current mortgage interest rate for other loan programs.

Mortgage Brokers:
Kub - Corwin
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: Levi Harvey
  San ArdoCalifornia 93450
Bay Cities Mortgage
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: David Biagini
3535 Pleasant acres Lane  AromasCalifornia 95004
Gary Smith
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: Gary Smith
1900 Garden Rd., Ste. 230   MontereyCalifornia 93940
Debra Schottgen
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: Debra Schottgen
700 Cass Street, Suite 114   MontereyCalifornia 93940
James Scariot
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: James Scariot
1544 Constitution Blvd   SalinasCalifornia 93905
Michael Rodriguez JD
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: Michael Rodriguez JD
234 Capitol Street, Suite D   SalinasCalifornia 93901
Michael Rogers
Our Current Rates
30 yr fixed
15 yr fixed
5/1 ARM
Ask for: Michael Rogers
1900 Garden Road, Suite 230   MontereyCalifornia 93940

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