Home Purchase Loans
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Home Purchase Rates
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
30 year fixed Graph Icon Arrow 4.09% 4.16%
15 year fixed Graph Icon Arrow 3.25% 3.30%
5/1 ARM Graph Icon Arrow 3.28% 3.36%

 Rate disclaimer

PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
30 year fixed refi Graph Icon Arrow 4.09% 4.17%
15 year fixed refi Graph Icon Arrow 3.25% 3.34%
10 year fixed refi Graph Icon Arrow 3.15% 3.18%
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
60 month used car loan Graph Icon Arrow 3.20% 3.20%
48 month used car loan Graph Icon Arrow 3.18% 3.19%
60 month new car loan Graph Icon Arrow 3.44% 3.44%
PRODUCT +/- Yield Last week
6 Month CD Graph Icon Arrow 0.75% 0.71%
1 Year CD Graph Icon Arrow 1.24% 1.24%
2 Year CD Graph Icon Arrow 1.41% 1.41%
MMA and SAVINGS 0.58%
$10k MMA 0.57%
Interest Checking 0.43%

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New Hampshire Home Buying

From mortgage refinancing and home equity loans to first mortgages; home buying in New Hampshire is extremely active. Thanks to an influx of new communities in Bedford by LaMontagne Builders to Tarkka Homes creating communities in Central and Southern New Hampshire; home buying is at an all time high. Influencing the home purchase market are rates and mortgage loan products. Whether it’s a first mortgage or a mortgage refinance; New Hampshire real estate investors and home buyers are seeking mortgage loans through local lenders.

New Hampshire mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers review the borrower’s credit score and all asset, debt, income documentation before rendering a mortgage loan decision. Borrowers can review their credit rating by obtaining a free copy of their credit report, correct any inaccuracies and update the report to achieve the best possible credit score. Using mortgage calculators and a home purchase calculator will help New Hampshire borrowers determine how much they can afford and which type of home mortgage is the best fit.





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