Secured Credit Cards
Secured Credit Cards help those who have no credit or need to fix a bad credit history before they can qualify for a traditional credit card. For some people, Secured Credit Cards are the only option for establishing or re-establishing credit.
Credit cards are part of everyday life. You need them to make a hotel reservations, book air travel, rent a car, or purchase items online. In many cases, you cannot write a check at a store unless you have a credit card as a second signature verification. But those with a credit score below 650 may not qualify for a regular credit card. That’s why Secure Credit Cards are so important.
To get a secured card, you will need to deposit cash collateral to establish your line of credit on the account. If you find your initial deposit is not enough, you can always add to the balance later. These cards report to the credit bureaus, so your credit score will go up as long as you keep low balances and pay on time.
Search through the Secured Credit Cards available and choose one that offers low fees and convenience. You can apply through a secure online for and be on the road to better credit right away!